The ALCOVE (Active Learning Classroom of Valuable Experiences) is a unique space that fosters a close partnership between UITS Learning Spaces, instructors, and students. The classroom provides a dedicated space to explore a variety of emerging technologies in a focused and controlled atmosphere, while continuously gathering instructor and student input to drive changes.

ALCOVE Details
- Provide instructors with a space to support emerging instructional technologies and instructional strategies
- Raise awareness through research and help inform learning spaces design
- Improve models of instructional technology which can be scaled to all classrooms
- Experiment with “smart” technologies through a collaboration with Dell Computers with a goal to improve the experience for the instructors and/or students
Bloomington Campus: Woodburn Hall WH203 (Capacity 30)
Indianapolis Campus: Education/Social Work ES2101 (Capacity 24)
Student Seating:
The student seating is designed with collaboration screens that will accomodate five to six groups of students.
The ALCOVE is updated and upgraded at a faster pace than a typical classroom to meet the goal of informing technologies in other classrooms across all IU learning spaces. The space is designed to support a variety of instructional technologies, including digital whiteboards, collaboration screens, mobile technologies, and configurable furniture. Another part of the partnership is dedicated support - whether that be instructional design, rethinking lessons to include more active learning and technology integration, or training on the new technologies in the space.
Instructors scheduled in the ALCOVE:
- Will be given the opportunity to provide input on the design of classroom spaces
- Will be guaranteed a minimum of 2 consecutive semesters scheduled in the classroom (Fall-Spring, Fall-Fall, Spring-Spring, or Spring-Fall)
- Will participate in Focus Groups pertaining to the space and technologies within the space
- Feedback from sessions will drive further development of the space
- Will provide a time for students to provide feedback
- Feedback will be in the form of a digital survey distributed near the end of the term
- Will be provided priority technology support
- Will be provided dedicated instructional support for integrating technologies and active learning strategies
- And more… as determined by the instructors teaching in the space.
Instructors are provided several opportunities throughout their tenure teaching in the ALCOVE to share about their experiences. They are invited to participate in two general collaboration sessions during which they share with each other what is working for them in the space, and what they need help exploring further. Instructors also participate in an individual interview near the end of the semester to examine their final thoughts on teaching in the ALCOVE classroom.
Students learning in the ALCOVE are asked to complete an anonymous survey sharing more about their exerperiences during their time in the classroom.
All responses are summarized into themed categories and compiled in a report (with care taken to remove any personal identifying factors). Each of these summary reports can be found below.