Hine Hall 118 is designed to support active learning in large lecture-hall classrooms. All seats have power to support bring-your-own devices. Students can easily group for collaboration because of the variety of work settings, which includes rows and round-tables, plus the whiteboard space around the perimeter the room. All students can easily share content via their mobile device to the large projectors in the front of the classroom using Mersive Solstice.
Active Learning Lecture Hall Classroom (Hine Hall 118, IUPUI)
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I was able to incorporate active learning and collaborative group work in ways that would have not been possible in a traditional lecture-style classroom... I now can’t imagine teaching without this set-up!
Michele J. Hansen, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Institutional Research and Decision Support, IUPUI
General Specifications
- Campus: IUPUI
- Building: Hine Hall
- Room Design: Mosaic Active Learning Environment
- Student Seating: Lecture-style rows with rolling chairs and oval tables that allow students to easily break into collaborative groups of six
- Whiteboards: 17 wall-mounted whiteboards arranged around the room’s perimeter
- Seating Capacity: 106
- Lights: On/Off
- Windows: Windows with shades
Technical Specifications
- Lectern: Windows and Macintosh computers
- Lectern: Blu-ray player (also plays DVDs and CDs)
- Lectern: Document camera
- Lectern: Two Solstice wireless presentation systems (one for each projection screen)
- Lectern: HDMI and VGA laptop connections
- Lectern: Touch-sensitive control panels to adjust audio, route video sources to the room’s projection screen
- Lectern: Wired network jack
- Lectern: Wireless lavalier and handheld microphones
- Lectern: Webcam
- Lectern: Lecture capture
- Room: Two large projection screens
- Room: Wireless network access